Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Fabo Avos

Today's hike started at Nance Canyon, where we arrived very late last evening. We woke up late, washed up in the creek (ourselves and some clothes) and finally made it out at around 8:30AM.

The day started with a bunch of climbing out of the canyon. It was already pretty warm by then, and when you're climbing like that, it can zap your energy. Jubes had a bit of a grinder of a morning to get to the water cache at Table Mountain Rd, where we got a few liters of water, signed the register and chatted with a few fellow hikers (neon, on the move and vege (a vegan)). Shortly after that, we stopped for lunch at a beauty of a spot amongst some huge boulders. We sent a spot message, called our mothers and made a reservation for Wednesday night in Idyllwild. After lunch we were rejuvenated. We each listened to our iPods, Jubes listened to music and I listened to an IMTalk podcast and we made some serious miles. Felt great, especially for the middle of the day. We took one short break and then continued on for another 40 minutes or so until Jubes felt like she needed another break soon, but I knew we were getting really close to the next cache at HWY 74. Right at the perfect moment, we could see it in the distance and she knew she could get to it no problem. It was still about 5 minutes away, but you can see yourself making progress so it's easy to stay motivated at that point. Then I could see that there were water jugs there (because they can sometimes be dry, but we've been incredibly lucky so far). About 150 yards from the cache, there was a bucket on the side of the trail. Julia approached, looked in and almost wet herself. AVOCADOS!! She had goosebumps, and I think she hasn't been THAT excited since we've started this thing. She had a couple right there at the cache. Avos are one of her absolute favorites, so to get some when you least expect it and when your energy levels are low is such an amazing experience. We stayed at the cache (mile 151.9) for a little while and rested up in the mid afternoon. We decided to push on to a campsite at mile 156 and got here in no time. We're sharing a little area with another (older) couple from Canada and Andrew, a doctor from Melbourne. Andrew came over and introduced himself and chatted us up for a while and dropped a fart, without flinching, much to our delight!! Hahaha, perfect way to end a great day.

Tomorrow we hope to make some good miles so that Wednesday is a short trot to Idyllwild. Showers, here we come.

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