Wednesday 25 April 2012

There once was a man from Huntsville

Who seriously needed to be medicated!!

This little story is just way too funny not to share. Probably one of those 'you had to be there' type situations, but it's hilarious nonetheless. So we were just on our way to drive to Buffalo and we stopped in Huntsville because Julia's mom had to pick something up real quick. Well when she got out of the vehicle, she dropped her phone case on the ground and didn't notice. So a gentleman who was parked beside us came to get in his car and noticed it. He picks it up and looks in the window with a confused look on his face. I recognized what it was and opened the door to retrieve it and thank him. WELL, let me tell you, that was the beginning of quite the experience!! This man (probably late 60s, didn't get his name unfortunately) started going on about allllll sorts of stuff. He told us a few times that he used to teach psychiatry, and that he had a house in Aruba and the ladies couldn't resist him. Had us in stitches. He saw how packed the car was and so inquired about where we were heading. We just told him California. Oh, and he asked Julia's dad who we were and he said that we were his daughter and son in law. He proceeds to tell Julia how beautiful she is and how much better she could do!! I was dying laughing. So this jibber jabber goes on for a while longer, just making jokes and such. Then he gets wind that this is our honeymoon and he immediately goes to his trunk and pulls out a big bottle of V8, and jug of sunlight detergent and a baby brush / comb set and presented them to us as wedding gifts. The randomness of all of that was THE perfect beginning to this adventure.

Gotta keep that one fresh in mind for when we need a good laugh on trail!

Saturday 21 April 2012

Down to the wire

After insane amounts of planning (probably not enough) we're down to the wire. Saying our final goodbyes to a lot of people makes this whole thing a lot more real. It's more or less here. Our last day in Ottawa is tomorrow. Wednesday we'll be in San Diego, Friday we'll be on trail.

Wow. Let's do it.

Sunday 15 April 2012

A Perfect Day

Nothing other than "perfect" can describe our wedding day. It's such an important day, and so many details can easily go wrong, especially with an outdoor wedding in April, in Canada. We were ready to roll with the punches and just deal with whatever happened. In the days leading up, the forecast called for rain. Not much, but some. Then we could see the hourly forecast for Saturday and it looked like it would start raining right when the ceremony was meant to start, and then it was pushed back a little, and then a little more, and it didn't end up raining at all!! We had put up a 10' x 30' tent just in case, which we kept up regardless. The ceremony was perfect, and our 3 year old niece was absolutely adorable as our flower girl. She knew exactly what she had to do and she did it PERFECTLY! Because they're on a lake, it can get quite windy and no word of a lie, about 20 minutes after the ceremony ended, a big wind blew up the hill and the tent went FLYING! It flipped right over, how's that for timing?! My good friend Alex, who doubled as our photographer took some great shots during and after the ceremony all over the Shillolo's property.

Dinner was also perfect. It was catered, and Julia's wish was that it was vegan. For a completely vegan dinner, it was incredibly delicious, as was the vegan cake (made by my mother and aunt). Just as dinner was winding down and dancing was about to start, I gave Alex (Julia's sister's boyfriend) the signal that he could go start with the fireworks. Alex had researched, purchased and prepared a fantastic fireworks show for us, and just as he was about to start, I called everyone out on the deck to watch as he set them off from down by the water. It was a great surprise for many of them as they had no idea! And for Sierra, she had never seen fireworks before and was absolutely OVER the moon impressed! She literally talked about the "magic in the sky" for the rest of the night! The perfect weather continued and we moved the dancing outside, as it was a comfortable 16C evening with clear skies and stars out. We danced for a couple hours, opened a few gifts from family and friends and then headed over to Deerhurst resort.

The end / the beginning. Now on to the Honeymoon!!!

OH - the only not so "perfect" part of this whole thing was that I have either badly bruised, fractured or dislocated a rib... a perfect combination of alcohol and stupidity. :( Will find out in the morning after some xrays what the deal is.