Sunday, 24 June 2012

Two Mind Blowing Days

We woke up at 4:30 yesterday, left our tent up and open (so marmots could go in and out as they please rather than chewing a hole to get in), put our bear vaults away and headed out on the 17.4 mile (27.8km) round trip to Whitney's Summit. The morning was frigid, like below freezing and so we were glad we didn't go with some others that left at 2AM to see the sunrise. The whole walk is just gorgeous. Massive trees, creeks and small lakes are all surrounded by towering mountains. The trail follows the creek for a while and before you know it you're at Guitar Lake and now you're about to do the real work. Constant climbing from Guitar Lake to the summit. Endless switchbacks that are steep at times with big steps, to long and drawn out grinders. You can feel the air getting thinner. I was in front of our group, then Taka, Julia, June and Flatlander. At the junction with Whitney Portal it gets busier as that is the way up for the non-PCT/JMT hikers. It was a Friday so it wasn't too bad. Julia and I got to the summit first and there were only two other people up there, Sam and Hot Wing, fellow PCTers. It was a great little moment. We snapped a few victory shots and then Taka came strolling up and we took some for him. The three of us his from the wind in this little shelter made of rocks (not the building) and had a snack. About 45 minutes later, June and Flatlander made it, again we took more photos of the group, they joined us for more eating and that was it! It got busier by then, maybe about 25 others or so up there and we passed a ton on the way down, so we had PERFECT timing. Coming down was so much more fun than going up. I took a lot of photos, but the camera I was using isn't our best so I hope they turn out okay. The whole walk back to camp was so enjoyable. The scenery was like you'd see in a painting, or a professional photograph. It was incredible. We got back to camp around 3:30 and then Taka came running in about 4 minutes later. He said that his hobby for two years was trail running but he gave it up because it was too hard, now he walks! Hahaha, Taka is great. Oh, another Taka quote, atop Whitney he pulls out an entire plastic bottle of honey and goes for a shot of it, and when Flatlander asks him how it is, he replies 'oh, honey, ya good taste'. We love hiking with Taka because he's always in a good mood! Flatlander and June were back about 30 minutes later and we all ate and I convinced the group that we should knock another 4 miles up the trail to make the next day easier, as we had to climb Forrester Pass (13200 feet), the highest point on the PCT. We got to that campsite around 7PM and Sam and Hot Wing were there already. The mosquitos were horrendous so we just threw up the tent ASAP and jumped in, we'd sort out the rest in the morning.

This morning was good. No Mosquitos and not quite so cold. We had oatmeal (cooked!) and a protein shake and got moving (Julia and I are always last out, but we hike fastest so it works out). The day started with a long gradual climb and then some rolling hills that take you to Big Horn Plateau. Amazing views of the mountains all around you. We caught up with Taka shortly after as he was making his way down to the river and taking a ton of photos all the while. At the river we all had a snack and then moved on to start climbing up! The climb is gradual for quite a while and Taka, Julia and

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